Statistics & Data Science Courses
Lower Division Courses
STAT 119. Elementary Statistics for Business (3) [GE]
Measures of central tendency and variability, frequency distributions; probability,
Bayes theorem, probability distributions (including binomial, hypergeometric, and
normal), sampling distributions, confidence intervals, significance testing, regression
and correlation. Statistics 119A is designed to be taken concurrently for students
who may need additional review. Not open to students with credit in Statistics 250.
Students with credit or concurrent registration in the following lower division statistics
courses other than Statistics 250 will be awarded a total of four units for the two
(or more) courses: Statistics 119; Administration, Rehabilitation and Postsecondary
Education 201; Biology 215; Civil Engineering 160; Economics 201; Linguistics 270;
Political Science 201; Psychology 280; Sociology 201.
STAT 119A. Recitation for Elementary Business Statistics (1) Cr/NC
Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in Statistics 119.
Course hours: Two hours of activity.
Additional problem solving, data analyses, statistical concept discussions, and applications.
STAT 119X. Elementary Statistics Support (1) Cr/NC
Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in Statistics 119. Required for students who have not satisfied
the SDSU Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning Assessment requirement. Required support course
for Statistics 119. Credit in this course satisfies the SDSU Mathematics/Quantitative
Reasoning Assessment requirement.
STAT 200. Introduction to Data Science with R (4) (Syllabus)
Course hours: Three lectures and three hours of laboratory.
Basic data analysis with R. Summarizing and visualizing data. Sampling and distribution.
Analysis tools to include clustering, confidence intervals, regression, and sampling.
STAT 250. Statistical Principles and Practices (3) [GE]
Course hours: Two lectures and two hours of activity.
Descriptive statistics, data displays, measures of central tendency and variability,
random variables, sampling distribution. Estimation and hypothesis tests for means
and proportions, linear regression and correlation. Not open to students with credit
in Statistics 119. Students with credit or concurrent registration in the following
lower division statistics courses other than Statistics 119 will be awarded a total
of four units for the two (or more) courses: Statistics 250; Administration, Rehabilitation
and Postsecondary Education 201; Biology 215; Civil Engineering 160; Economics 201;
Linguistics 270; Political Science 201; Psychology 280; Sociology 201.
STAT 296. Experimental Topics (1-4)
Selected topics. May be repeated with new content. See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses
applicable to a bachelor’s degree.
STAT 299. Special Study (1-3)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Individual study. Maximum credit six units.
Upper Division Courses
(intended for undergraduates)
STAT 325. SAS Programming and Data Management (3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 250 or comparable course in statistics.
Entry, management, and summary of statistical data using SAS programming language.
Data structures and manipulation, screen editing, visual displays, macros, related
STAT 350A. Statistical Methods (3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 250 or comparable course in statistics.
One- and two-sample hypothesis tests, paired difference tests, tests for variances,
analysis of variance. Linear regression and correlation. Chi-square tests. Simple
nonparametric tests. Power of hypothesis tests.
STAT 350B. Statistical Methods (3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 350A.
Multiple regression, factorial models and nonparametric methods, all with emphasis
on applications.
STAT 410. R Programming and Data Science (3) (Syllabus)
Prerequisite: Statistics 350B.
Numerical and simulation methods, statistical graphics, and statistical procedures
for analyzing data. Logistic regression, multiple linear regression, and one- and
two-way ANOVA models. Matrix formulations of regression models.
STAT 496. Experimental Topics (1-4)
Selected topics. May be repeated with new content. See Class Schedule for specific
content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable
to a bachelor’s degree.
STAT 499. Special Study (1-3)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Individual study. Maximum credit six units.
Upper Division Courses
(also acceptable for advanced degrees)
STAT 520. Applied Multivariate Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 350B or comparable course in statistics.
Multivariate normal distribution, multivariate analysis of variance, principal components,
factor analysis, discriminant function analysis, classification, and clustering. Statistical
software packages will be used for data analysis.
STAT 550. Applied Probability (3)
Prerequisites: Mathematics 151 and 254.
Computation of probabilities via enumeration and simulation, discrete and continuous
distributions, moments of random variables. Markov chains, counting and queuing processes,
and selected topics.
STAT 551A. Probability and Mathematical Statistics (3) (Syllabus)
Prerequisite: Mathematics 252.
Discrete and continuous random variables, probability mass functions and density functions,
conditional probability and Bayes’ theorem, moments, properties of expectation and
variance, joint and marginal distributions, functions of random variables, moment
generating functions. Special distributions and sampling distributions.
STAT 551B. Probability and Mathematical Statistics (3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 551A.
Point and interval estimation and hypothesis testing in statistical models with applications
to problems in various fields.
STAT 560. Sample Surveys (3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 550 or 551A.
Methods for design and analysis of sample surveys with applications to social and
biological sciences. Simple random sampling, stratification and clustering, ratio
and regression estimators, subsampling, selected topics in survey methodology.
STAT 570. Stochastic Processes (3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 551A.
Introduction to stochastic processes with selected applications.
STAT 575. Actuarial Modeling (3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 550 or 551A.
Actuarial models and applications of probability and statistics to insurance and other
financial risks. Utility theory; risk models, compound processes; survival distributions
and life tables; life insurance, annuities and benefits.
STAT 580. Statistical Computing (3) (Syllabus)
Prerequisite: Statistics 551B.
Course hours: Two lectures and two hours of activity.
Machine computation in development, application, and evaluation of advanced statistical
techniques. Floating arithmetic and algorithm stability; numerical methods for parameter
estimation (including maximum likelihood) and multivariate probability integration;
simulation and other computer-intensive statistical techniques.
STAT 596. Advanced Topics in Statistics (1-4)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Selected topics in statistics. May be repeated with the approval of the instructor.
See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of
296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree. Maximum credit of six units
of 596 applicable to a bachelor’s degree. Credit for 596 and 696 applicable to a master’s
degree with approval of the graduate adviser.
Graduate Courses
STAT 610. Linear Regression Models (3) (Syllabus)
Prerequisite: Statistics 551B with a grade of C (2.0) or better.
Methods for diagnostic tools, matrix forms for multiple regression, model fitting
and validation, simple and multiple regression models, and variable selection. Applications
of methods with R, SAS, and SPSS software. (Formerly numbered Statistics 510.)
STAT 670A-670B. Advanced Mathematical Statistics (3-3)
Prerequisites: Statistics 551A. Statistics 670A is prerequisite to 670B.
Distribution of random variables, characteristic functions, limiting distributions,
sampling distributions, hypothesis testing and estimation, optimality considerations,
applications of the linear hypothesis, invariance and unbiasedness to analysis of
variance and regression problems, sequential techniques, decision theory.
STAT 672. Nonparametric Statistics (3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 551B or 670B.
Theory and application of commonly used distribution-free test statistics, including
sign and Wilcoxon tests, and corresponding nonparametric point and interval estimators.
Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman tests for analysis of variance, nonparametric regression
methods, and other selected topics.
STAT 673. Time Series Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 551B or 670B.
Box-Jenkins (ARIMA) methodology for analysis of time series data with statistical
software applications. Autocorrection functions, stationary and nonstationary time
series, autoregressive and moving average processes, seasonality. Methods for model-based
estimation, diagnostics, and forecasting.
STAT 676. Bayesian Statistics (3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 551B or 670B.
Bayes’ theorem; conjugate priors; likelihood principle; posterior probability intervals;
Bayes factors; prior elicitation; reference priors; computational techniques; hierarchical
models; empirical and approximate Bayesian inference; posterior sensitivity analysis;
decision theory.
STAT 677. Design of Experiments (3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 550 or 551A.
Methods for design and analysis of experiments with applications to industry, agriculture,
and medicine. Concepts of randomization, blocking, and replication. Incomplete block
designs, fractional factorial experiments, response surface methods, selected topics.
STAT 678. Survival Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 551B or 670B.
Survival distributions; inference in parametric survival models; life tables; proportional
hazards model; time-dependent covariates; accelerated time model and inference based
on ranks; multivariate time data and competing risks.
STAT 680A-680B. Advanced Biostatistical Methods (3-3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 551B with a grade of C (2.0) or better. Statistics 680A is prerequisite
to 680B.
Design, conduct, and analysis of experimental and observational studies including
cohort, survival, case-control studies. Multifactor screening. Biological assays.
STAT 696. Selected Topics in Statistics (3)
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.
Intensive study in specific areas of statistics. May be repeated with new content.
See Class Schedule for specific content. Credit for 596 and 696 applicable to a master’s
degree with approval of the graduate adviser.
STAT 700. Data Analysis Methods (3)
Prerequisites: Statistics 610 and 670B with a grade of B (3.0) or better in each course.
Computationally intensive data analysis techniques including random and mixed effects
models, repeated measures and longitudinal data analysis, generalized linear models,
nonlinear models, and multilevel models.
STAT 701. Monte Carlo Statistical Methods (3)
Prerequisite: Statistics 551B or 670B.
Monte Carlo and simulation intensive methods for development and application of statistical
methods such as Monte Carlo and Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms and inferential
procedures; stochastic optimization, EM algorithm, and variants for parameter estimation,
importance sampling, variance reduction techniques.
STAT 702. Data Mining Statistical Methods (3)
Prerequisites: Statistics 610 and 670B with a grade of B (3.0) or better in each course.
Concepts and algorithms of data mining techniques such as decision trees and rules
for classification and regression, clustering, and association analysis.
STAT 720. Seminar (1-3)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
An intensive study in advanced statistics. May be repeated with new content. See Class
Schedule for specific content. Maximum credit six units applicable to a master’s degree.
STAT 750. Seminar in Data Science Research (3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Core readings from data science literature. Statistical communication practices to
guide presentations of a literature review and analytical results to scientific audiences.
STAT 790. Practicum in Teaching of Statistics (1) Cr/NC
Prerequisite: Award of graduate teaching associateship in statistics.
Supervision in teaching statistics. Lecture writing, style of lecture presentation
and alternatives, test and syllabus construction, and grading system. Not applicable
to an advanced degree. Required for first semester GTA’s. Maximum credit four units
applicable to a master’s degree.
STAT 794. Statistical Communication in Data Science (3) (Syllabus)
Prerequisites: Statistics 610 and 670B.
Communicate statistical results to a scientific audience through written reports and
oral presentations. Identify appropriate analysis tools for data science problem solving.
Best practices in scientific writing and statistical graphics.
STAT 795. Practicum in Statistical Consulting (3) Cr/NC
Prerequisite: Statistics 670B.
Statistical communication and problem solving. Short-term consulting to campus clients
in design and analysis of experiments, surveys, and observational studies. Heuristics
for effective problem identification, client interactions, oral and written presentations.
STAT 797. Research (1-3) Cr/NC/RP
Prerequisites: Six units of graduate level statistics.
Research in one of the fields of statistics. Maximum credit six units applicable to
a master’s degree.
STAT 798. Special Study (1-3) Cr/NC/RP
Prerequisite: Consent of staff; to be arranged with department chair and instructor.
Individual study. Maximum credit six units applicable to a master’s degree.
STAT 799A. Thesis or Project (3) Cr/NC/RP
Prerequisites: An officially appointed thesis committee and advancement to candidacy.
Preparation of a project or thesis for the master’s degree.
STAT 799B. Thesis Extension (0) Cr/NC
Prerequisite: Prior registration in Thesis 799A with an assigned grade symbol of RP.
Registration required in any semester or term following assignment of RP in Course
799A in which the student expects to use the facilities and resources of the university;
also student must be registered in the course when the completed thesis is granted
final approval.
STAT 799C. Comprehensive Examination Extension (0) Cr/NC
Prerequisite: Completion or concurrent enrollment in degree program courses.
Registration required of students whose only requirement is completion of the comprehensive
examination for the master’s degree Registration in 799C limited to two semesters.