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Statistics and Data Science Seminar
Wednesday, April 24, 2024; 11:00am
Speaker Daniel R. Jeske, Professor and Vice Provost, University of California, Riverside
Title On Combining Two Estimators with an Application to the Estimation of a Responder/Non-Responder Treatment Effect

It is well-known how to combine two independent unbiased estimators of the same parameter. The independence of the estimators is often satisfied from the fact the two estimators are calculated from separate studies. In this paper, the performance of an optimal combined estimator when the estimators are correlated and biased is compared to the simple arithmetic average of the two estimators, and the effect of estimating the optimal combining weight is investigated. The advantage of combining two dependent and biased estimators is demonstrated in the context of estimating a responder/non-responder treatment effect in a randomized clinical trial.