SDSU Graduation (1400x200)

Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics

Preparation for the major (28 units)

Must be completed with a grade of C (2.0) or better, and cannot be taken for credit/no credit (Cr/NC).  The cumulative GPA in Math 245, Math 252, and Math 254 must be a C+ (2.3) or better.

All of the following
  • Math 150 - Calculus I (4 units)
  • Math 151 - Calculus II (4 units)
  • Math 237 - Elementary Differential Equations (3 units)
  • Math 245 - Discrete Mathematics (3 units)
  • Math 252 - Calculus III (4 units)
  • Math 254 - Intro to Linear Algebra (3 units)
  • Stat 250 - Statistical Principles and Practices (3 units)
One of the following
  • CS 150 and CS 150L - Introductory Computer Programming (4 units)
  • CS 200 - Introduction to Data Science and Python (4 units)
  • Stat 200 - Introduction to Data Science with R (4 units)
Headshot of Jermoe Gilles
Jerome Gilles


Major (30+ units)

A minimum of 30 upper division units selected with approval of the departmental adviser before starting upper division work. Students planning to take Mathematics 499 as an elective course must obtain approval from the program adviser.

All of the following
  • Math 320 - Abstract Algebra (3 units)
  • Math 330 - Advanced Calculus (3 units)
  • Math 340 - Mathematical Programming (3 units)
  • Math 524 - Linear Algebra (3 units)
  • 12 units of electives
At least one of the following
  • Math 531 - Partial Differential Equations (3 units)
  • Math 537 - Ordinary Differential Equations (3 units)
  • Math 542 - Introduction to Computational Ordinary Differential Equations (3 units)
At least one additional course from the following
  • Math 520 - Algebraic Structures (3 units)
  • Math 530 - Advanced Calculus II (3 units)
  • Math 531 - Partial Differential Equations (3 units)
  • Math 537 - Ordinary Differential Equations (3 units)
  • Math 538 - Discrete Dynamical Systems and Chaos (3 units)
  • Math 542 - Introduction to Computational Ordinary Differential Equations (3 units)
  • Math 543 - Numerical Matrix Analysis (3 units)
  • Stat 551B - Probability and Mathematical Statistics (3 units)

Other requirements

Language Requirement.
Competency (successfully completing the third college semester or fifth college quarter) is required in one foreign language to fulfill the graduation requirement. Refer to the section of this catalog on “Graduation Requirements.”

Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement.
Passing the Writing Placement Assessment with a score of 10 or completing one of the approved upper division writing courses (W) with a grade of C (2.0) or better. See “Graduation Requirements” section for a complete listing of requirements.