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Minor in Statistics

Minor (15+ units)

The courses selected will be subject to the approval of the minor adviser.

All of the following
  • Stat 250 (or equivalent) - Statistical Principles and Practices (3 units)
  • Stat 350A - Statistical Methods (3 units)
  • Stat 350B - Statistical Methods (3 units)
  • 6 upper division units of electives in statistics
Headshot: Barbara Bailey
Barbara Bailey
Associate Professor


Suggested courses

The minor program includes a combination of courses in applied statistical methods, computer-oriented data analysis, probability, and mathematical statistics, which can be tailored to the student’s major, academic, or professional interests. For example, business students interested in actuarial science may wish to consider a minor comprising the following courses. 

  • Stat 350A - Statistical Methods (3 units)
  • Stat 350B - Statistical Methods (3 units)
  • Stat 551A - Probability and Mathematical Statistics (3 units)
  • Stat 551B - Probability and Mathematical Statistics (3 units)

Students in the social, behavioral, and natural sciences who are particularly interested in applications and data analysis may wish to consider a minor comprising the following courses

  • Stat 350A - Statistical Methods (3 units)
  • Stat 350B - Statistical Methods (3 units)
  • Stat 410 - R Programming and Data Science (3 units)
  • Stat 520 - Applied Multivariate Analysis (3 units)

Other requirements

Counting towards the major.
Courses in the minor may not be counted toward the major, but may be used to satisfy preparation for the major and general education requirements, if applicable.

A minimum of six upper division units must be completed at San Diego State University.