SDSU Graduation (1400x200)

Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics
Emphasis in Mathematics Education

This emphasis allows students with a strong interest in mathematics and an interest in teaching in the secondary schools to be prepared for both graduate school in mathematics and admission into the Single Subject Teaching Credential program. This degree also prepares with options to teach at the community college level.

All candidates for a teaching credential must complete all requirements as outlined in this section of the catalog under Dual Language and English Learner Education or Teacher Education.

Preparation for the major (25 units)

Must be completed with a grade of C (2.0) or better, and cannot be taken for credit/no credit (Cr/NC). The cumulative GPA in Mathematics 245, 252, and 254 must be a C+ (2.3) or better.

All of the following
  • Math 150 - Calculus I (4 units)
  • Math 151 - Calculus II (4 units)
  • Math 237 - Elementary Differential Equations (3 units)
  • Math 245 - Discrete Mathematics (3 units)
  • Math 252 - Calculus III (4 units)
  • Math 254 - Intro to Linear Algebra (3 units)
  • Stat 250 - Statistical Principles and Practices (3 units)
  • TE 211A - Field Experience in Mathematics and Science (1 unit)
One of the following
  • CS 150 and CS 150L - Introductory Computer Programming (4 units)
  • CS 200 - Introduction to Data Science and Python (4 units)
  • Stat 200 - Introduction to Data Science with R (4 units)
Headshot of Steven Klass
Steven Klass


Major (37+ units)

A minimum of 37 upper division units in mathematics, approved by the adviser for the major.

All of the following
  • Math 302 - Transition to Higher Mathematics (3 units)
  • Math 303 - History of Mathematics (3 units)
  • Math 320 - Abstract Algebra (3 units)
  • Math 330 - Advanced Calculus (3 units)
  • Math 336 - Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (3 units)
  • Math 340 - Mathematical Programming (3 units)
  • Math 341 - Mathematics Software Workshop (1 unit)
  • Math 414 - Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction (3 units)
  • 3 units of electives in Mathematics
One of the following
  • Math 508 - Dynamical Systems and Modeling (3 units)
  • Math 510 - Introduction to the Foundations of Geometry (3 units)
One of the following
  • Math 524 - Linear Algebra (3 units)
  • Math 543 - Numerical Matrix Analysis (3 units)
One of the following
  • Math 530 - Advanced Calculus II (3 units)
  • Math 531 - Partial Differential Equations (3 units)
  • Math 537 - Ordinary Differential Equations (3 units)
  • Math 542 - Introduction to Computational Ordinary Differential Equations (3 units)
One of the following
  • Stat 350A - Statistical Methods (3 units)
  • Stat 550 - Applied Probability (3 units)
  • Stat 551A - Probability and Mathematical Statistics (3 units)

Other requirements

Auxiliary Area.
A minimum of nine lower or upper division units of teaching-related electives are required from an area that will enhance understanding of teaching or applications of teaching mathematics. Elective courses include, for example, Physics, Chemistry, or Computer Science. All programs must be approved by the adviser.